AP Summer Institutes for AP Statistics

Summer 2019

Jared Derksen

July 8-11: APSI at Pacific Lutheran, Tacoma, WA

July 15-18: APSI at Sac State, Sacramento, CA

Daren Starnes

June 17-20: AP by the Sea  San Diego, CA    New and Experienced Teachers


June 25-28: Pacific Northwest AP Institute  Bellevue, WA   New Teachers


July 10-13: Intermountain APSI  Farmington, UT  New and Experienced Teachers


July 15-18: APSI at Woodward Academy  Atlanta, GA  New Teachers


July 22-25: Cherry Creek AP Summer Institute  Denver, CO   New and Experienced Teachers?


July 29-August 1: Vancouver, USA AP Summer Institute  Vancouver, WA   New and Experienced Teachers


August 5-9: AP Institute of the Cascades Bend, OR New and Experienced Teachers


St. Johnsbury AP Summer Institute


Session 1: July 7-12      Laura Marshall
Session 2: July 14-19    Laura Marshall
Session 3: July 21-26    Brendan Murphy

Come on up to Vermont this summer to work and play in the Northeast Kingdom! An amazing place to spend a week in the summer with great food, after class activities, and instruction from experienced presenters. Hope to see you this summer in Vermont, feel free to contact us with any questions.

Brendan Murphy=    brendankmurphy@yahoo.com

Laura Marshall=       lemarshall@exeter.edu

Also with Laura:

Taft Educational Center, Taft School, Watertown, CT


B week:  July 01 - 05  Laura Marshall

Come to Connecticut and enjoy New England in the summer!  

AP Statistics is an incredibly fun course to teach - if you have the tools and fun activities from which to draw upon.  We will examine the College Board's outline of topics and course philosophy, discuss the course expectations, and share strategies for success on the AP exam.  Additionally, we will review and clarify important concepts in statistics and provide guidance and answer questions about the subject matter.  We will review all of the new changes coming in 2019 with the re-articulation of the curriculum.  Most importantly, we will work through the curriculum by doing problems and participating in activities that you can bring directly to your classroom.  You will learn how your students' responses are scored on the AP exam and how you can use the AP rubrics to score responses for your students.  Not only will you become more comfortable with the topics in AP Stats, but you will take away ideas to enhance the learning of your students and subsequently help them improve their scores on the AP exam.  Whether you are new to AP Statistics or a veteran educator, you will come away with valuable insight and have fun too!

Josh Tabor’s Summer Workshops (TaborStats@gmail.com)

June 3–6: Atlanta, GA (experienced)


June 25–28: Bellevue, WA (experienced)


July 9–12: Monterey Bay, CA (mixed)


July 15–18: Phoenix, AZ (mixed)


July 22–25: Spokane, WA (mixed)


August 13-16, Eugene, OR (mixed)


Josh posted a detailed description of his APSI’s on the discussion forum.

Chris Olson

June 18 -21 Augsburg University, Minneapolis


July 8 – 12   Fordham University (Lincoln Center)


July 15 – 18  Ball State, Muncie, IN

Link via CollegeBoard

July 22 – 26  Oakland University, Rochester, MI


July 29 – Aug 1  AP Seminars Silicon Valley (Stanford Univ and Palo Alto HS)
