Back in the hospital. Chemo round 3. I'm officially naming his chemos, one is red and one is yellow, so with the smallest bit of creativity, I introduce to you,
Red Punch:
- Two doses that take 13 hours each
- Nausea is a major side-effect
- Hospital release largely dependent on nausea stopping and eating resuming
Yellow Slime:
- One dose over 4 hours
- 24 hours after dose a "chaser" drug is given that helps take it out
- Mouth sores the major side-effect
- Release keys on the yellow slime leaving. When it has left his body, he gets to leave the hospital.
The other factor that will come into play is his white blood cell count. All these drugs zap his body's natural immunities. If those counts are too low, they won't send him home.
This visit is Yellow Slime. So far everything is smooth. It would be nice if chemo started BEFORE 6:30pm so the dose is finished before he's sleeping.
Update: we started yellow slime at 5:50pm. Yay! Better sleep for Blake (and Dad!)