Life moves on. Blake's life outside of the hospital is better, but not yet the same as it was. His port was removed on Monday. That was an exciting milestone. Picture below. A lot of chemo ran through that small device. Blake walked with no assistive devices on Sunday afternoon. Just a few steps. But it was a great moment. A picture of that moment is also below.
Stamina has been a roller coaster. Some days, lots of energy and he feels great. Other days not so much. So far he's managed to avoid the cold and flu bugs that are traveling through the populace and his siblings too. We pray that will continue.
School is still at home. It's difficult to know if he will be able to return to RHS this semester or not.
Physical therapy is ongoing. Usually twice a week. This keeps Jennifer very busy.
Now that his port is out, we can have a doctor take care of his in-grown toenails. Once that is done, he can stop taking his second to last medication. He will take a prophylactic antibiotic on the weekends until June. A total of four pills per week seems amazingly small. Our counter-top pharmacy shrinks and shrinks.
We plan to have a party and a celebration in the near future. We'll keep you posted. We have so much to be thankful for and we would like to celebrate with you all. We want to eat and laugh and thank God for his goodness.
Please keep praying for clear scans! Next scan will be April.
Steps! (while making origami paper)