Our summer plans have been buffeted back and forth by various factors. The most notable decision is the agreement that Blake will need a thoracotomy to remove the lump on his lung. This involves cracking open his ribs on the left side and removing a portion of his lung that contains the lump. The doctors are very unsure of what to make of this small nodule (currently 9mm). It has grown, but it has not spread to any other part of Blake's lungs. Our good friend, Devin Mudge, is going to perform the surgery. He is a cardio-thoracic surgeon and is very good at what he does. We are very pleased that Blake will be under that care of someone who give him special attention. Devin feels that the nodule is mostly likely benign. That is certainly what we are praying for.
We have been cleared to go on a family vacation before the surgery. Last summer, our kids did not get their annual trek to the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan, so we're extra pleased that we get a vacation first. Here's the schedule:
- June 10 Jared heads to KC to grade AP Stats exams for 9 days.
- June 11 Jen and the kids head to Michigan.
- June 18 Jared is done grading a couple thousand exams (whew!) and flies to Michigan.
- June 19 the whole family flies to New York City for Blake's Make-a-Wish
- June 25 (we think) we return to Michigan
- July 9 return to Redlands
- July 15 (probably) surgery
In NY, Blake will attend the Origami USA convention. He will be the guest of honor of Robert Lang (TED talk here). Robert Lang has written many books that Blake has studied. Many of the origami creations that Blake makes are Lang designs. Needless to say, Blake is quite excited about all this.
Blake's surgery will involve a one week hospital stay. Hopefully the lump is benign. Blake will be ready to start school on August 15.
We appreciate your continued prayers. God has been so good to us throughout this journey. We pray that this will be the final steps.