Mock Some More

Alright. One last time. I wrote another exam this weekend. I like the Poke Bowl problem a lot. The other problem is OK. I made this one REALLY long. And then right after I finished it, a sample problem came out from CollegeBoard that is not so long. But I still want my students practicing writing until they run out of time. Your mileage may vary. Here’s the PDF, the Word, and the Pages versions. I start in Pages (because I have not spoiled my new MacBook with MS Office…. yet…) so if the Word version is wonky, I apologize.

I have called these exams B and C because I made Mock A by combining Josh’s Encouragement problem with 2014B #2.

Finally, my good friend Jeff Eicher has also been busy making Mock materials of all sorts. He is graciously letting me share them with you all. They are in this cloud drive. Help yourself.

Good luck to everyone!